Cathouse or The House of All Nations, a Comedy of Eros, Hiag Akmakjian
Christmas season and Zoe is not happy.
The madam of The House of All Nations is dealing with the usual day-to-day issues with clients, needs of the ladies, health regulations, and a bouncer who is so philosophical you can get a classical education just by listening to his asides by the bar. More urgently, the bank wants to foreclose because of derivative losses Zoe has suffered, thanks to poor advice from her former boyfriend, the local banker who has his own problems with finances.
Plus one of her girls has come up positive on a public health test.
And the local Family Above All wants the brothel closed, and now has the means to do it.
And the banker wants to make up with her.
A comic play that touches on the Holocaust, the Armenian Genocide, money, Wall Street, sex, love and Empedocles? It's life.
NOTE: This is the script of a play, not a novel. Adult themes and language.